Background Information
- Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a global concern and is one of the common forms of sexual violence against children.
- The Violence against Children study (VAC Survey, 2019) shows that among 18 to 24-year-olds, 45.9% of females and 56.1% of males reported experiencing sexual violence during childhood.
- Along the Coast, CSEC is predominantly high due to a couple of factors such as poverty, neglect, societal norms, and culture that promote violations such as early marriages as well as the area being a major tourist attraction site.
- The most common forms of CSEC include; child prostitution, child sex tourism, and survival sex.
- ICRH-K in partnership with Kindernothilfe (KNH) and the County Government of Mombasa is implementing the “Linda Mtoto” project aimed at addressing CSE among children aged 10-17 years old in Mombasa County through identification, linkages and strengthening community structures. The program implementation is guided by the organizational child protection, mental health and Monitoring and Evaluation Policies.
Implementation Strategies
- Community approach through Community Health Volunteers & Child Protection Volunteers
- School approach through an in-school life skills program
- Institutional linkages for children and caregivers/parents