PMA Agile phase 2 Gender/ Gender Based Violence Study is a follow-up study that was conducted in 2019 with a cohort of youths aged 15- 24 years in Nairobi to measure their contraceptive behavior dynamics over time. In 2020, with the outbreak of COVID-19, PMA Gender COVID 19 study was conducted with the same cohort of Adolescents and youths to understand knowledge, attitudes, behavior, risk perception, socioeconomic impact and the collateral impact such as gender-based violence among adolescents and youth. The study included qualitative and quantitative components to understand contraceptive dynamics and information related to COVID-19 among adolescents and youth in Nairobi.
After four years we aim to conduct a follow-up study ( Phase 2) that will extend the YRDSS youth cohort 15 -28 years with a focus on measurement innovation in gender equity, particularly gender-based violence (GBV) experiences, attitudes, and norms. This phase 2 study aims to generate new learning on priority topics in gender and identify the best, validated measures to fill today’s evidence gaps to inform policy and programs in the country.