Antenatal and Postnatal Care Research Collective (ARC) Study
ARC Study Overview The ARC study is a composite of three studies designed to improve maternal health care in Kenya. International Centre for Reproductive

Amplify Change
Amplify Change – Strengthening Community Structures for Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Project Overview Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is an eminent concern

160 Girls-Virtual Justice Club (VJC)
Project Overview Young adolescents are most vulnerable to sexual violence. Most minors are inadequately informed of what qualifies as an act of sexual violence

UNFPA Projects
ICRHK manages the UNFPA project portfolio, focusing on three core areas: Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH), Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention and response, and maternal and

Performance Monitoring For Action (PMA Kenya)
We are the lead implementer of Performance Monitoring for Action (PMA) formerly PMA2020/Kenya project survey. PMA is collecting data in 308 nationally representative enumeration areas

The Young Key Population Implementation Research
Background: Poor uptake of services among young sex workers remains a major challenge for key population programs in Kenya. Young sex workers are a priority

SRH and GBV Programs (Kilifi and Mombasa)
UNFPA’s mandate is to strengthen National and Kilifi County’s to provide integrated sexual and Reproductive Health services. In line with the United Nations Development Assistant

First Time Young Mothers Costing Study
Introduction and objectives of the study The overall objective of this study was to estimate the unit expenditure for FTYMs services delivered in Mtwapa DICE.

Female Sex Worker Costing Study
Introduction and objectives of the study The overall objective of this study was to estimate the unit expenditure for FTYMs services delivered in Mtwapa DICE.