Genesis Project
The GBVRC program
PMA Agile Phase 2 Gender / GBV Study
Stawisha Pwani
Exemplars in Family Planning
UNFPA Projects
Linda Mtoto

Amplify Change – Strengthening Community Structures for Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Project Overview

 Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is an eminent concern in many developing regions where women and girls face sexual violence at a disproportionate rate, resulting from various socio-cultural issues. With 88% of survivors attended to at the GBVRC at the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital in Mombasa alone being adolescents under the age of 18 years, the Amplify  Change project intensified child protection interventions while creating awareness of the strife of other vulnerable audiences. The aim was to enhance the already existing systems and structures for the prevention of sexual violence and the effective management of post-rape care in Mombasa County. The project forged long-lasting partnerships/relationships towards a common goal of building stronger and more inclusive movements for sexual reproductive health rights, by effectively supporting those who are best placed to lead change and amplifying their voices.

Amplify Change engaged the Area Advisory Councils to strengthen grassroots coordination of SGBV, especially concerning child protection. It further sought to increase awareness on the same through advocacy and sensitization while leveraging on opportunities of technology. We do this in collaboration with like-minded stakeholders. The project further purposed to improve post-rape care service delivery at the Gender-Based Violence and Recovery Centre Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital, through evidence generation and upscaling of counselling, legal, and clinical management services. The key stakeholders included the Area Advisory Councils in Kisauni and Changamwe, the Coast General Teaching & Referral Hospital, the Technical University of Mombasa, the Departments of Gender, and Health, and the Ministry of Interior.


  • Reinvigorated and supported the re-launch of the Changamwe AAC composed of 23 members
  • Established a partnership with the Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) on a student-led podcast
  • Renovated the GBVRC and launched a child therapy room at the GBVRC at the Coaast General Teaching and Referral Hospital in Mombasa
  • Commenced mental health research at the GBVRC
  • Introduced family therapy at the GBVRC
  • Launched a child-friendly storybook (Amara the Hero) and executed book tours across 10 schools
  • Developed a geographic information (GIS) map of SV hotspots in Mombasa County in collaboration with the Department of Children Services
  • Supported and participated in the development of the Mombasa County GBV Bill
  • Supported the training of 25 Mombasa County Public Health Officers on Child Protection and Sexual Violence
  • Supported Child User Committees (CUCs) for both Shanzu and Tonoka Courts