Exemplars in Family Planning

Nuru Ya Vijana Project
OMMI Project
Genesis Project
The GBVRC program
PMA Agile Phase 2 Gender / GBV Study
Stawisha Pwani
Exemplars in Family Planning
UNFPA Projects

The Exemplars in family planning project has been designed on the premise that the quickest path to success for scale is to identify who has already been successful, find out why, and adapt their strategy to your own circumstances. Kenya is implementing this project, alongside Malawi and Senegal, and the countries were identified as part of the Exemplars in Global Health, Family Planning, which aims to help guide public health decision-makers worldwide through this process.

Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BMGF, the project has been documenting the policy, program and finance landscapes in the 3 countries to identify the strategies that contributed to the achievements of the set FP 2020 targets. The project is documenting the policy, program and finance landscape in the 3 countries, and here in Kenya, that contributed to the achievements of the FP 2020 targets. Kenya, Malawi and Senegal were among 9 countries that increased voluntary modern contraceptive uptake, surpassing the set FP 2020 targets.