Bungoma Performance monitoring for action report on Family Planning popularly known as PMA report has been released and officially presented to stakeholders in the health sector.

Speaking during the unavailing of the report that ranges from 2014 to 2020, Bungoma county reproductive health coordinator Christine Naliaka said the report was compiled by experts and can be used to improve reproductive and maternal health.
“The researchers use actual data, which provides a real blueprint that can help us improve family planning standards,” she said.
The report hinted out that by 2020, about 13% of teenagers who sought family planning services were married. Another 25% of mothers who attended their first Antenatal care were teenagers.

With regard to the menace of teenage pregnancy, the report proposed engagement of parents, administration and other health stakeholders in availing family planning commodities to teenagers and reduction of the cases of teenage pregnancy.
Naliaka also told journalists that the uptake of family planning services went down between 2020 and 2021.
In addition, she has pointed out that the department of health has embarked on outreach to those who need family planning services in rural areas. This has been necessitated by the fact that more people prefer family planning in urban settlements compared to rural areas.
“We are using community health strategy to reach out to those who need the services,” she said.
Naliaka has also cited that programming is a contemporary issue in family planning following the fact that stockouts were captured in the survey.
Her sentiments were reiterated by Director of Health in Bungoma county Johnstone Akatu who said the FP reach from demand to service provide ranges between 40% and 45%.
However, Akatu says the uptake of family planning among men is poor since most of them do not take it up.
From the report the most preferred method of family planning is use of injectibles followed by implants then traditional methods.
It should be noted that 83% of Bungoma population seek family planning serves in public facilities while 17% seek in private facilities.

Other contemporary issues highlighted include gender-based violence and proper reporting. The partners who took part included members of civil society, medical practitioners, gender advocates and other researchers.
News Hub Creator1d By Timothy Wekesa.
Source: https://www.operanewsapp.com/ke/en/share/detail?news_id=fcb34a8dfba0446f22760d61a1d374d5&news_entry_id=s6da553ab220518en_ke&open_type=transcoded&from=news&request_id=share_request